Monday, February 9, 2009

Talking Point Number 1

In McIntosh's article "White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack" she compares the privilege difference in color and sex. She talks about how white men have more power and privilege then other race or sex. She also touches upon the fact that white woman have more privilege then both men and woman of other races. Whites hold the most privilege out of any race, men more then anyone, but women in second over men of other races. She believes that people are born into their power and privilege level just by their skin color. I think it is interesting how she talks about whites growing up not to see their race as privileged. “Whites are carefully taught not to recognize white privilege, as males are taught not to recognize male privilege”.I think that is interesting and really have never thought of it like that before. She makes good points, but I do not think there is anything that can be done about it. It is so hard to change many years of damage. And as long there is somebody that still thinks a certain way you can never get rid of it. Then there are the stubborn people who think that nothing is wrong and nothing needs to be changed, when it is clear that something needs to be done.

In the article “Data show racial bias persists in America” by Salim Muwakkil, I think the major focus was one employment and how bias employers on, even before they see or met the person. What I really liked about the article is all the facts that were used. Statics are shocking when layed out like they are here, " Applicants with white names were 50 percent more likely to get called for an initial interview than applicants with black names...White applicants with prison records were still more likely to be hired than black men without them" Both of those statics really shocked me. After reading those I was just amazed, I never even thought that white males with criminal records would get hired over someone who has a clean record. I just do not understand how a country that is suppose to be equal and free can have so much inequalities and unfair chances and life. For a country who is suppose to offer liberty and justice to all, this article really makes you realize how unjust and unequal it really is. Shocking. I thought that we had some law to make sure that everyone was getting an equal chance at employment and freedom and life in general, this makes it seem like no law exist. And that is how people in this country live.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Becca,

    I can see that McIntosh and Muwakkil made you think. Try to make some more connections between them. And follow the assignment I list in the syllabus, just to help you get a little deeper:

    AUTHOR’S ARGUMENT: (1-2 sentences)

    LB :)
