Monday, March 2, 2009

Talking Point 4

"Unlearning the Myths That Bind Us"
By: Linda Christensen

In this article written by Christensen, she argues that we all need to live out lives how WE want to and not how the media says we should. Society and everything around us tries to tell us how we need to live our life to be "accepted" in this world. We need to learn and teach others that it does not matter your waist size, or what you do for a job, that does not define us as a person.

--"Many students don't want to believe that they have been manipulated by children's media or advertising."
-----------> Whether you want to admit it or not your life is influenced by the media. In both the way you act to the way you dress. Children especially, when watching some of the "children" shows the way the child act you can see straight from the show. Even in adults, you see adults not eating because a size two is not good enough, need to get down the the 00. And the money some people spend on the "hip" clothes is ridiculous, all because someone famous or cooler then you is wearing it. I babysit a young girl and young boy who are not allowed to watch t.v. until Sunday, because it is a privilege in that house. And despite this you can still see effects of other children in what they say. It is amazing how much the media effects today's world.

--"We look at the roles women, men, people of color, and poor people play in the cartoons."
-----------> Although these stereotypes were more noticeable in early America, it is still apparent in today's world. People of color still do not feel safe everywhere they go, and still have the sense of being judge through every door they enter. Poor people are treated like they are not good, and should not be living. If you are not in a well paying job, making the big bucks, then you did not succeed at life, is what this world tells you. In order survive in todays world you need to be in a high paying job. Although women are not stereotyped as much today as they use to be, but I still hear jokes about women all the time. This world is built around sterotypes.

--"Both of these takes leave young women with two myths: Hapiness means getting a man, and transformation from wretched conditions can be achieved through consumption- in their case, through new clothes and new hairstyle."
----------->The media teaches all of its viewers that inorder to be happy you need to to a b and c, when in reality you do not need any of those things to be happy. In reality it seems that the people who are just getting by with bills and such tend to be more happy then those who are rolling in money. Which just proves that you do not need to be rich to be happy.

--->The media strongly influneces what goes on in thsi country, and I believe they need to step up and change how they are protrying "life", and they have started to. But there are still people convinced that being a size 2 is to big and they need to lose weight. I myself struggle with that, I struggle with my body and often thing that I weigh to much. My doctor has even said to me that I if I gain a pound, ONE POUND, I will be overweight. And I struggle with this more because often people tell me how much they think I weigh, but when I hear what they say it is often 15 to 20 pounds less then my actual weight, and it makes me think that is where i need to be. I know that I get all of this from the world around me telling me that being me, is not good enough. When in fact being me is all I need to be!!! :)


  1. I can see that this piece resonated with you. Great details and development in your quotes.

  2. hey Becca,
    Yea i waited 2 years to try out for baseball to make sure i had a good hold on my class and got into my major a bit...but im pretty sure im going to try out next year, because i absolutely love coaching but everyone keeps telling me i can coach the rest of my life and i only have a couple more years of playing you should def try out next year too
